Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well we had our first weekly doctor's appointment today. I am 36 weeks. Randy was trying to help me stay calm today and not be too anxious. He didn't want me to physch myself up and then be disappointed. I told him that I didn't mind if we went in and they told me that I was not dilating, but that it would be nice to hear that I was at least thinning. Little did we know the joke was on us...

We went to our appointment and when Dr. Mason came in we went through routine question and answer time and then got down to business. He told me that for being a first time mom that I am doing really well. Here it was...the news was coming...my heart started beating faster and butterflies were there too...
I had already lost my plug. I was 60% effaced. I was dilated to a 2. Baby is in position and "ready to deliver." WOW! Talk about a shock! I was extremely overwhelmed and not ready to hear all that. So, now we wait it out. I can deliver at any time now. It seems so much more real after today and the day we get to meet our little miracle is approaching faster than we thought! Thank you Lord for your blessings today!

Monday, March 28, 2011

On the Countdown

We are counting down the days until our little man arrives. Our due date is April 24th, on Easter! One of my nephews was born on Easter so I think it would be really special if our miracle graced us with his prescence on Easter as well. The closer and closer "D-Day" gets, the more and more anxious both Randy and I are getting. I'm having a very hard time trying to keep my emotions in check and trying to not get too exctied too soon...but it's sooooo hard! Tomorrow marks the start of our weekly appointments so hopefully we'll get good news to share with our loved ones. Cross your fingers and say a prayer for us!